FALL 2018
CEP 807: Capstone Portfolio Course
Dr. Matthew Koehler, Sarah Keenan-Lechel, Aric Gaunt, and Sukanya Moudgalya
Throughout this course, I have been collecting and reflecting on all of the projects, papers, and creations that I made through my time in the MAET program. We have been collaborating with peers and getting valuable feedback to compile these products and create an online portfolio. I have emulated the ways I plan to continue learning after these masters’ courses are complete. This course leads me into what is beyond my masters with an excellent example of what I have accomplished during.
CEP 800: Learning in School & Other Settings
CEP 815: Technology and Leadership
CEP 822: Approaches to Ed Research
Brittany Dillman and Dave Goodrich
I joined eleven peers at Michigan State for a hybrid course of two weeks of on campus classes and then four weeks online. Throughout these courses, I learned to question everything. We were asked to read Daniel Willingham’s When Can You Trust The Experts? I learned to look from the many sides involved in research and technology. I participated in “quick fires” which pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me face difficult or wicked problems in the education field. I complied, filtered, and researched about the integration of technology in a small school. From that research, I was able to write a thorough research paper that my school used in their technology integration. My instructors pushed me to question everything, even technology. These classes educated me on the power of google and sites that can take our students’ information, allowing me to understand my role in protecting our students. Following these courses, I was determined to continue questioning and empowered to lead my school in technology integration and safety.
CEP 812: Apply Education Technology to Practice
Douglas Frankish
This course challenged my thoughts and overall mindset of teaching. Individually and in groups, we took on some of education’s toughest problems. I fully explored failure as a learning mode and realized how important experiencing failure is to a child. This course was interesting because we were dealing with difficult issues while being grouped with people in multiple time zones, including South Korea. CEP 812 helped show me the importance of communication and collaboration and how technology has provided great opportunity to do so.
FALL 2017
CEP 810: Tech Understanding with Technology
Nicole Zumpano and Mary Weaver
CEP 811: Adapting Innovative Technology to Education
Melissa White
TPACK was introduced to me in these courses, and my philosophy on teaching will never be the same. Crossing technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge to find the sweet spot of all three promotes the most effective way to integrate technology into a classroom. In these courses, I learned and practiced integrating technology into my classroom, ranging from low tech to high. I explored different learning networks and put myself into the role of the novice. I learned the basics of sign language, how vast learning networks are, and how technology can connect us to experts ready to teach. My instructors introduced and pushed me to become a maker. I critically looked at my classroom and designed it to be more learner friendly. These courses shifted my perspective from being the teacher to being a learner. These two classes were very humbling and enlightening.
CEP 502A: Intern Technology Diversity Learning II: Learning Disability
CEP 801A:Consultation in Special Ed
CEP 804A: Literacy Instruction Mild Disabilities
To finish my internship year, I was in the third grade classroom at McGregor Elementary. I was able to learn ways to differentiate reading instruction and use it first hand in my classroom. I worked with the different levels of technology from individualized instruction to class wide involvement. I learned about all the different personality types I would encounter working in a school and how to support and cooperate for the best of my students. This full internship year gave me the opportunity to develop into a teacher. It gave me hands on experience in classroom management and providing the appropriate support for students with need.
FALL 2013
CEP 802A: Inquiry in Special Ed I: Mild Impairments
CEP 803A: Assessment Mild Disabilities
CEP 803A: Inverse Teaching Diverse Learner I
I was able to do a full year of student teaching Monday through Thursday in a special education classroom at McGregor Elementary School in Rochester, Michigan. On Fridays, I was able to attend graduate courses in Special Education that aligned with what I practiced in the classroom. These courses and experiences introduced me to all types of assessments that go along with the evaluation of a student. I practiced administering, scoring, and informing colleagues the results. I deepened my understanding of working with students with Mild Impairments and diverse learners. I was also exposed to many different teaching programs and learned how to critically evaluate them.